
The Most Haunted Cities In The US

Halloween is just around the corner which means it is time to start getting spooked

Savannah, Georgia

Here in Savannah, you don’t just have ghosts floating around from Civil War battles, but also from the Revolutionary War. The haunted tours are all over this city and you are sure to see some spooky stuff while you visit this place. Savannah is said to have been built on an Indian burial ground, which would make sense because this whole place seems eerie and we all know that building something on top of an Indian burial ground has always been bad news.

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans is an obvious place to start when it comes to a truly spooky town. This is the home of voodoo magic which has been the fare of countless movies and has lead to some pretty mysterious things happening. There were also massive Civil War battles so that should make for ghosts-a-plenty. IF you talk to any New Orleans native you will quickly hear some pretty spooky tales about the goings-on of this city that is sure to shake you to your bones. You can hop on a ghost tour if you really want to get low-down and visit the St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 where Marie Laveau is buried. Marie Laveau is known for being a priestess of voodoo.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia is known for a lot, but not necessarily recognized for its unbelievably high ghost population. The Eastern State Penitentiary is a super scary place that is one of the most haunted places around. This was the prison that started solitary confinement which was sure to make the living mad and lead them to haunt this place for eternity. People have been grabbed by ghosts here so watch out on a tour and hopefully, you can come out with your pants still dry.

Charleston, South Carolina

The Old City Jail in Charleston is well known as one of the most haunted places on Planet EArth. The jail held runaway slaves, pirates and Civil War prisoners. Their spirits may account for the people who have heard chains dragging on the floor and have seen doors slam. The prisoners most talked about are Lavinia and John Fisher who are said to still haunt the jail to this very day.

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